Firewalking is a form of Spiritual Alchemy
It sparks an inner wisdom into a burning desire for truth and full self-realization. When one takes that single step into the unknown, transcending the most primal fear, they begin a journey of enlightenment with faith as their partner. Unseen spiritual guides are empowered and a channel is permanently opened for the inner voice within to clearly address an awakened mind that has chosen awareness as its path. From this single step a whole new realm of possibility is created that lies just beyond all fears of the past. They smile, for a Firewalker's journey is alive, based upon an uncommon certainty known by few, but recognized by all.
Most importantly, only human kind, among all the life forms that exist on this earth have been granted the privilege of communion with the elemental of Fire. Firewalkers are among the few who can approach the fire with a feeling of gratitude and in a state of humility. For it has been through their relationship with the Fire that so many have experienced a sense of grace and empowerment beyond words.
J. Maisel 2-22-1999