Fire Medicine by Jamie Sams

Excepts from the Sacred Path Cards


Sacred Fire within us

Place of  eternal flame

Burn away the barriers

In Great Mystery’s name


Teach us warmth and goodness

The love of Grandfather Sun

Melting every difference,

Until we are truly one


Fire is one of the Four Clan Chiefs of the Earth Mother’s world.  Air, Earth, Water, and
Fire are the elements that regulate the weather, the composition of matter, energy, space, and time.  The six forms of Fire as we know them are the Fire that comes from Father Sun, the Fire in Mother Earth’s core, the Fire that comes from lightning, the Fire in lava that forms the Stone People, the Fire that burns wood, and the Fire within each of us that is the Eternal Flame of Great Mystery and is our life-force and spontaneity.


The warmth of Fire is a basic part of the human, Two-legged’s makeup.  We have been taught that Grandfather Sun was the warmth of the First World that became manifest after Creation and that he represented the love of Great Mystery for all of Earth’s Children.  During the first world the only Fire that the Children of Earth recognized came from Grandfather Sun and the fiery volcanoes that erupted as Mother Earth continued to cool.  Two-leggeds did not know how to capture or use Fire until the Second World, which brought the Great Ice mountains and the bitter cold that changed the climate of the Earth Mother.  It then became necessary for the Two[leggeds of all five races to band together in families and Clans seeking warmth and shelter.  In the First World, before  the cold winds of change brought the Ice Beings, the Children of Earth depended upon unity, loving each other, and the warmth of Grandfather sun for love and nourishment.


Grandfather sun live inside us as well as in the Sky nation and is located in our Vibral Core, or middle-body, just above our navel.  When we radiate our love to those around us, we allow the Grandfather Sun who lives within us to shine.  The proper use of this love energy is one form of Fire Medicine.  The healthier adults would call upon grandfather sun within them to add heat and life-force to their bodies and actually become blankets for the children during a snowy night.  On the Trail of Tears when starvation and cold were the constant companions of our people, many times the children were saved from death’s clutches through the use of Fire medicine.  The healthier adults would call upon Grandfather Sun within them to add heat and life-force to their bodies to give them warmth, many adults would Drop Their Robes (surrender to the Angel of Death) by morning knowing only that they had saved the future generation through the use of Fire Medicine.


Fire Medicine is our passion for living, our desire to love and be loved, our need for human companionship and warmth, our physical strength, the compassion we have for others, our creativity and spontaneity, as well as the Fire that fuels our Medicine Dreams.  Our physical passion comes from the Fire within our Earth Mother.  This form of Fire Medicine can fuel our bodies with stamina, allow us to express our sexuality, spark our creativity or spontaneous actions.  When we bring our Mother Earth’s love up through our feet and into our Vibral Core to meet Grandfather sun’s inner fire we have accomplished a type of inner creation” the Divine Union of male and female.


When we disconnect from our Earth Mother, this union of the two Fires will not be able to feed our bodies the Fire Medicine that we need and we may become ill.  I have seen this happen to people in the cities who must guard themselves through shutting off any external stimulus in order to survive the


The noise pollution or unwanted attentions of those whom theyb do not wish to know.  When the external stimulus is shut off, so is the connection to the Earth Mother.  The bounbdaries of people’s Sacred Space become very small and their natural roots, which draw energy from the Earth Mother’s internal Fire, cannot feed their bodies with her nurturing.  This type of contraction breeds mistrust and the feeling of separateness that eventually spread from the mind to the body creating a disjoined sense of Sel.  Dis-ease will set in and can onlyb be healed through the warmth of reconnection to Mother Earth, her Creature-beings, and All Our Relations.   Later when trust has returned, it will be time to continue the healing through reconnectin with other Two-legged humans on a new level.


When we suppress our natural humanness and ignore our body’s need form warmth of Fire Medicine, the body will become co9ld in places.  Soon the body will forget to send life-force to the areas that need warmth, love, and attention.  In this modern world where people are afraid to embrace a friend, to touch someone’s arms when they are speaking, or to allow themselves to be nurtured by the Earth mother, many have lost the Fire medicine that produces a sens of unity.


Another aspect of the warmnth of Fire medicine is sexuality.  Native People have always considerd coupling as a sacred act.  When two people are attracted to each other sexually, a sacred uninon isn in the makin.  During the Fourth World of Spearation, the children earth forgot to honor the sacredness o sexuality, which originally was considered a ho9ly extension of mother Earth and Father sky’s union that brought fertility and abundance.  We Two-legged are most like wolves and mate for life when there is no fear or separation inside our hearts.  The modern-day custom of rapid marriages and divorces is allowing us to heal all aspects of ourselves that have become separate and cold.  We are being forced to see the reflection of ourselves we cannot love in the actions of those around us or in a mate.  In a sense, this custom is a discovery process that will eventually lead us back to the idea of natural, sacred union that has its roots in the unconditional love of Mother Earth and Grandfather Sun’s love for us.


Though the ages, many Medicine People have used Fire to assist them in remainin connected to the Earth when they Journey through the Dreamtime.  A twig Fire could be built and continually fed by an assistant during the Journey,.  The body’s natural impulse is to use a coampfire to draw warmth into the body while the Spirit is walking the Dreamtimne.  In thes way, a Medicne Person can remain out-of-body for longer periods of without concern that the body would be physically harmed.  Just as we must be open to receiving the information from medicine helpers and Allies, we must be open in order to to use Fire Medicine for the Journey Work.  When all parts of the body are nourshied through Mother Earth and Grandfatherr Sun’s Fires, the body will fell comfortable enough for the spirit to leave.


The sensory perceptions become finely tuned when there is no internal need and no external sense of danger.  The internal Fire nurtures and protects just as Mother Earth nurtures and Father Sky and Grandfather Sun give protection.  In this balanced state we can once again achieve our natural state of being, which is perfect internal balance.  The Fire of our spirit is then empowered and can break the illusion of time and space and can leave or return at will.  This is why our Elders can decxide for themselves when “it is a good day to die.”  Having journeyed many times, they are able to release the body and Drop Their Robes when they feel the pull of the Spirit World.


 Fire Medicine is the reminder that all things come from and contain Great mystery, which is original Source.  The Fire of Creation lives within us and in all of Our Relations.  When we blance the Sacred fire insider ourselves, in every form it takes, we can then perceive and become anything in Creation through melding with the  Sacred Fire in all things.  This talent is spontaneous creation.  Passion for living is the fuel for this inner Fire and is found through the appreciation of every blessing of physical life offers.


 Acknowledge the Sacred Fire within. Your spontaneity for living depends upon your connection to Fire.  You can support your passion for living through acknowledging all of the Good Medicine present in your life.  Your ability to create adventure and excitement comes from your willingness to give yourself pleasure and joy.  All that is neede to continue the passion is to decide you are worthy and proceed.


 If you have any judgments about passion on the physical level, it may be time to clear them.  All acts of life are sacred when treated in a respectful manner.  Any old fears of intimacy or commitment can act as limitations to relationships.  If this applies to you, clear the fear.  As the fear leaves, so will the colness of past hurst, and you will be ready for more rewarding future relationships.


In all cases, Fire medicine insits that we use the Fire within to fuel our lives with energy.  This energy comes from Mother Earth’s passionate physicality and Grandfather sun’s spontaneous love,  When we are in balance, this Divine Union sparks our nature desire for experiencing life.  If the spontaneity is already happening to you, continue.