The Reason for Overcoming Fear

Many years ago I studied the Holocaust of World War Two.  I traveled to Poland and Germany.  I read many books about this terrible time in human history.  One particular book troubled me greatly.  It was called Shiviti.  It was an extremely dark book about human atrocity and it was difficult for me to finish the book. 

 However, I did finish the book one afternoon and as I closed it I went into a deep meditation to contemplate upon what I had read.  When I was complete with my meditation the phone rang and it was my son who was in college at the time studying pschology.  He and I had previously had a conversation about anagrams and the related psychological information he was studying . He was calling to tell me that he had left some new information and annagram for me.

When he asked what I thought of the artwork I began to get extremely angry with him because of the horrible picture of dark demons that I was perceiving in that moment.  I ranted to him and asked why he left such a horrible thing for me.  Once I was finished ranting he gently asked, "Can't you see the angels in the picture? Its an anagram!"

The dark, dense experience of reading about the horrors in the book Shiviti and then meditating upon them had so influenced my perception that I could only see demons and experience evil energies. I was blinded and incapable to sensing anything other than darkness.

So it is with fear.  We can become so familiar with our fears, so compensating for our fears, and so resistant to receiving a more empowering or fearless vision that our ability to dwell in the possibility of light and love is all but extinguished.

One of the major lessons that I teach in my Firewalking seminars is how to reclaim true vision.  A simple example of that process is to consider that when we look at red, hot 1400 degree coals we do not envision any possibility that they could be "ice cold" and that a safe pathway across exists.  However, if we choose to change our focus from the "red" hot coals, instead focusing on the space of possibility...the black space or void between the red coals.  When we focus on that black space, the void where all possibility exists, then and only then can we see with true vision of a safe passage across the coals.

  Then we can see the energy fields created by the pulsating, decomposing wood coals.  Then we can learn how to "become one with the fire" and walk safely across...or as with some in our Eagle Heart Core group...stand on the coals and ride the waves of energy present awaiting us upon the coals. 

Only the Love is Real.

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